About Me. Photo-gerz.ru

Welcome to the world of photographs 

and good mood!

 I am a professional photographer. 

Member of the Russian Geographical Society rgo.ru/ Candidate for membership Union of Photographers www.photounion.ru/Show_User_Info.php? unum=21366 Candidate for membership Eurasian Art Union. Watercolor competition winner in Sremska Mitrovica (Serbia) www.watercolorium.com/index.php/ru/pobediteli-2023-leto-serbiya-9-14-avgusta-2023/243-9-14-2024 And another participant and winner of diplomas in the international competition 35AWARDS.

Where did it all start? Numerous landscape and reportage photography led to portraiture And family photography, and working in watercolors helped to look at art photography in a new way.

Architectural photography, documentary, landscape. photography continues to inspire today. 

This allows you to create the best artistic result that meets the expectations from the photo shoot. 

You just can enjoy the process and the resulting photos. Before our photo shoot, I will always help with recommendations on clothing, location and posing.

 Don’t be shy to write, call and ask questions.

About Me. Photo-gerz.ru

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