Who or what are we photographing. Photo-gerz.ru

Basic questions about a photo shoot

The photographer also has a technical task. And you give it. For what is it needed? For the convenience of all aspects of the photo shoot. So We agree on the main points of the photo shoot and clearly see what we agreed on. Questions to prepare for a successful photo shoot. Simple, but very important.

1. Who or what are we photographing (portrait, family, interior, objects, landscape). 

2.    In what quantity (how many: people, landscapes, architectural objects, objects). 

3.    For what purpose (for yourself, for advertising, for work). 

4.    When it is necessary to take photographs (specific date for an event or free date). 

5.    Will the photo session be used in commercial purposes (term of transfer of exclusive rights to the customer). 

6.    The concept of a photo shoot (ideas for shooting). 

7.    Where will we film (in the studio, in the office, outdoors).